Georgie (Jamie Grossman) consoles her unemployed husband, Dave (Charlie Hall), in Arizona Repertory Theatre’s production of THE FULL MONTY – THE BROADWAY MUSICAL, running Nov 9 – Dec 7, 2014 (photo by Ed Flores).
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After rescuing Malcolm (Brian Klimowski, seated on car) from his failed suicide attempt, Dave (Charlie Hall, left) and Jerry (Ethan Kirschbaum, right) give their friend advice on how to better achieve death with their friendly assistance suggesting different methods, in the comedy musical, THE FULL MONTY – THE BROADWAY MUSICAL, running Nov 9 – Dec 7, 2014, presented by UA Arizona Repertory Theatre (photo by Ed Flores).
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The unemployed steelworkers from Buffalo, NY, singing, “Let it Go,” in THE FULL MONTY – THE BROADWAY MUSICAL, presented by UA Arizona Repertory Theatre from Nov 9 – Dec 7, 2014. From left to right: Horse (Chris Okawa), Malcolm (Brian Klimowski), Ethan (Josh Dunn), Jerry (Ethan Kirschbaum), Dave (Charlie Hall) and Harold (Aaron Arseneault). (Photo by Ed Flores.)
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Finally! Payday for these laid-off steelworkers and friends as they begin their strip act to become respectable wage-earners again in Arizona Repertory Theatre’s production of THE FULL MONTY – THE BROADWAY MUSICAL, running Nov 9 – Dec 7, 2014. From left to right: Horse (Chris Okawa), Malcolm (Brian Klimowski), Ethan (Josh Dunn), Jerry (Ethan Kirschbaum), Dave (Charlie Hall) and Harold (Aaron Arseneault). (Photo by Ed Flores.)
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